June on the Mississippi Gulf Coast

Now that our June travels are thoroughly documented, how about a few photos of some fun times right here on the Gulf Coast? We enjoyed some pool time with friends…

families playing poolside in Ocean Springs, Mississippi

…and tried out a new (to us) restaurant. Bacchus Biloxi Beach was delicious!

seafood dinner at Bacchus restaurant in Biloxi, Mississippi

We had fun exploring the brand new boardwalk along the beach…

boardwalk on Biloxi Beach

…and at Afton’s insistence, we put our toes in the sand! ;)

little girl playing on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi

We indulged in some Tatonut

Tatonut Donut Shop in Ocean Springs, Mississippi

…and we had some friends over for delicious kebabs!

kebabs on grill, kids playing after dinner

Does it seem like all our fun revolves around food?! Stay tuned to see if that pattern continued for the rest of the summer… ;)

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Coastal Mississippi in June blog post