Photo A Day

Photo A Day October, Days 19-21 (Catch-up Time!)

Well, folks, the Photo A Day project has taken a bit of backseat to the fact that there was a SQUIRREL IN MY HOUSE. I know I mentioned that on Day 15, but that turned out not to be the end of the saga. It really is gone now though.  Anyway, that's my excuse for why I didn't blog for two days AND why these three photos are sub-par.

Day 19: Letters. A new test we just received at work, which I brought home to practice and have not looked at since (see above excuse about the squirrel in my house.)

Day 20: 4:00. I was about an hour late on this one, but here's a tree at church, where I was hanging out at a picnic.

Day 21: Calm. Here's the kitchen windowsill, which is where I first spotted the squirrel. Now that we're squirrel-free and all this stuff has been thoroughly cleaned, I feel much calmer, indeed. :)